Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Pam Beam,
County and District Clerk

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 702
Mason, Texas 76856

Physical Address:
210 Westmoreland St. 
Mason, Texas 76856

Phone: 325-347-5253

Email: co.dist.clerk@co.mason.tx.us



Voter Registration can be found at the Mason County Sheriff's Office - 205 Westmoreland, Mason, Texas 76856. PH: (325) 347-6937 Hours: 8am-4pm

Your Application for Ballot By Mail expires on December 31st of EACH year and you must reapply every year. You can apply at the Clerk's Office - 210 Westmoreland, Mason, Texas 76856 or print one by clicking here.

Track Your Ballot: Please note, these links will take you to state websites that allow you to track the status of your Ballot by Mail or FPCA Ballot as well as your FPCA and Application for Ballot by Mail.
        Ballot By Mail Tracking
        FPCA Tracking


Pursuant to Section 63.0015, Election Code, an election officer shall give voting order priority to individuals with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person's ability to move around. A person assisting an individual with a mobility problem may also, at the individual's request, be given voting order priority. Disabilities and conditions that may qualify you for voting order priority include paralysis, lung disease, the use of portable oxygen, cardiac deficiency, severe limitation in the ability to walk due to arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition, wheelchair confinement, arthritis, foot disorder, the inability to walk 200 feet without stopping to rest, or use of a brace, cane, crutch, or other assistive device.

You can also vote curbside by Text or calling (325) 347-2015. We will need to know the polling location you are at, as well as the color and make of your vehicle. We will then inform the election personnel at your polling location and they will be with you promptly. 

Are you a student away at college but registered to vote here in your home county?
You may be eligible to vote an absentee ballot. Fill out an Application for Ballot by Mail and mail it to our office before the last day to apply. Please remember, the last day to apply means the last day for our office to receive it.  
Application for Ballot by Mail- English
Application for Ballot by Mail- Spanish

Voter ID Requirements for Texas Voters

 Photo ID questions

Click Button for more Information

ID Poster - English
ID Poster - Spanish

Click Below for the Mason County Precinct map:
City of Mason 
Mason County


  • General 2024 Election RESULTS!

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024 is the LAST day to register to vote for the November Presidential Election!

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 @ 9:00am is Public Testing of Election Equipment.





    Click the Below for a Sample Ballot!

    Precinct 101

    Precinct 210

    Precinct 302

    Precinct 405

    Early Voting Location:

    Location of Main Early Voting Polling Place Include Name of Building and Address

    (Sitio principal de votación adelantada) (Incluir Nombre del Edificio y Dirección)

    Days and Hours of Operation

    (Días y Horas Hábiles)

    Mason County & District Clerk’s Office

    205 Westmoreland St., Mason, Texas 76856

    October 21-25, 2024 7:00am - 4:00pm

    October 26, 2024 7:00am – 7:00pm

    October 27, 2024 10:00am – 4:00pm

    October 28, 2024 – November 1, 2024 7:00am – 7:00pm


    Election Day Locations - 7:00am - 7:00pm: 

    Precinct Number(s)

    (Número de precinto)

    Location of Election Day Polling Places Include Name of Building and Address

    (Sitios de votación el Día de Elección) (Incluir Nombre del Edificio y Dirección)


    M. Beven Eckert Memorial Library

    410 Post Hill St, Mason, TX 76856


    Mason County Courthouse, 2nd Floor – District Courtroom

    201 Fort McKavitt St, Mason, TX 76856


    Richard P. Eckert Civic Center

    1024 McKinley Ave, Mason, TX 76856


    Mason County Courthouse, 1st Floor – Commissioner’s Courtroom

    201 Fort McKavitt St, Mason, TX 76856

  • You are eligible to register to vote if:

    You are a United States citizen;
          • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
          • You are at le
    ast 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on Election Day.
          • You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
          • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

    Applications can be picked up at any of the following locations:

     Mason County and District Clerk's
     Office –210 Westmoreland, Mason, Texas 76856.

    Am I registered to vote?

    Fill out a Voter Registration Application using this link, print, sign, and mail to:
    Mason County Voter Registration 
    PO BOX 391
    Mason, Texas 76856

    Voter Registration Cancellation
    If you would like to cancel your voter registration please fill out the above form and mail it to our PO Box address above or contact our office at (325) 347-6937 and we will assist you with the process. .

    PLEASE BE ADVISED § 18.067. Unlawful Use of Voter Registration File Information
    (a) A person commits an offense if the person uses information in connection with advertising or promoting commercial products or services that the person knows was obtained under Section 18.066. 
    (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.  Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 211, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1986.  Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 864, § 13, eff. Sept. 1, 1997.

    Voter Confidentiality Program

    Confidentiality Guide for Voters
    Confidentiality Form- Victim
    Confidentiality Form- Peace Officer
    Confidentiality Form- Judicial and Peace Officer spouse

    Mason County Precinct Maps 

  • Vote by Mail (Application for Ballot by Mail): First day to file for Absentee Ballot or FPCA is January 1.

    Last day to apply for a Ballot by Mail – October 25, 2024 (November 2024) (must be received by this day, NOT postmarked)

    If you are unsure if your application for ballot by mail has been received and accepted by our office, please visit votetexas.gov. Under Track My Ballot you can verify your application status. 

    Application for a Ballot by Mail (ABBM)- If you are voting early because of an expected absence, you may apply in person for a ballot by mail before the early “voting in person” period begins (usually the 17th day before the election). If you are voting by mail because you are disabled or are 65 years of age or older, you may use a single application to request ballots by mail for all county elections in the calendar year. To do so, simply mark “Annual Application” on your application for a ballot by mail when selecting the election for which you are applying.

    If you are voting in a political party’s primary election, you MUST check which party’s primary you are voting in to receive the correct primary ballot.

    Click Here for an Application for Ballot by Mail – - Once you have completed the form, please mail it to:
    Mason County & District Clerk's Office
    P.O. Box 702
    Mason, Texas 76856
    Application for Ballot by Mail- English
    Application for Ballot by Mail- Spanish

    You are eligible to vote early with a FPCA if you are qualified to vote in Texas and you are:

    • Active duty military, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • U.S. Citizens (nonmilitary) temporarily overseas* away from the home Texas county
    • U.S. Citizens (nonmilitary) permanently overseas* away from the (previous) home Texas county
    • Members of the merchant marine, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of the Texas National Guard, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of a National Guard of another state, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)
    • Members of the military reserves on active duty, spouses, and dependents (voting from outside the home Texas county)


    Federal law defines “overseas” as anywhere outside the United States.
    If you are not one of these voters, you need the regular early voting by mail procedures.

    What does the FPCA form do?

    • Registers you onto the permanent voter rolls 30 days after receipt by the county (unless voter marks indefinitely away / do not intend to return)
    • Functions as an application for ballot by mail and gives you temporary registration status for certain offices
    • If voter marks indefinitely away (older form) / do not intend to return (newer form), voter receives federal ballot only

    When is the FPCA deadline?

    • General rule: deadline is the 11th day before Election Day (earlier is recommended)

    Click here to print and fill out the FPCA application - Once you have completed the form, please mail it to:
    Mason County & District Clerk's Office
    P.O. Box 702
    Mason, Texas 76856

    Military and overseas voters are welcome to use the regular registration and early voting by mail process available to all voters away from their home county on Election Day. However, there are also special provisions for military and overseas voters.

    Updated: 9/4/2024